Friday, December 31, 2010

Courageous and inventive, Matthew Johnstone journeys into the heart of urban dismantlement, nihilism, and downsizing. “I forgotten in city shine in cuban requests,” myriad negations become criss-crossed as quest for time compressed, space illuminated, all-but-enough fragments glimpsed as fleeting ontologies of self, world, sign. The sea becomes an inward thing, the California sky inside darkening, the journey moves from here to here between desiccations of Spicer and vision-hungers of Rimbaud, adjacent to Chet Baker jazz riffs glimpsed as in an “Old Light”: “This is the place to place my tender.”

-- Rob Wilson, author of Be Always Converting, Be Always Converted and Waking In Seoul

Let's be close Rope to mast, you Old light
by Matthew Johnstone
52 pages
Blue & Yellow Dog Press


URL:Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Future Script Gallery is an online commercial gallery for asemic writing. The plan is to launch it in 2011. The gallery will be run by Michael Jacobson of The New Post-Literate and Quimby Melton of SCRIPT. So far the gallery is expecting to sell signed prints, original works, and auto graphed books of asemic literature. Here is the email:

Issue 3 of Blue & Yellow Dog Is Out

Hi people,

Issue #3, the winter issue of Blue & Yellow Dog has been posted.

Please feel free to read it, reread it, and spread the word about it.

This issue contains poems by the famous and the infamous:

Richard Kostelanetz, Dorothee Lang, Crag Hill, Vernon Frazer, Ricky Garni, Glenn R. Frantz, Joel Chace, Sheila Murphy, Benjamin Nucum, Matthew Johnstone, Felino A. Soriano, Philip Byron Oakes, Dylan Harris, Richatrd Mason, Keith Moul, Adam Fieled, George J. Farrah, John C. Goodman and a review by Nate Pritts of Joel Chace's book Sharpsburg.

If you enjoy reading the poems of Richard Kostelanetz, Keith Moul, Matthew Johnstone, Felino A. Soriano, Joel Chace, John C. Goodman, please browse the Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop for books by these poets.

Just a note for those of you keeping score: Adam Fieled's Equations is due out in January 2011 from Blue & Yellow Dog Press.

That's all for now.
So get busy reading.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Blake’s Tree begs to be read out loud. Uncanny and spot-on, the repetition of words and phrases which levitate within a controlled form. Lushness in the economy of word. Lyric and narrative commingle. This is serious and necessary fun."

--Kit Kennedy

William Blake played on his own name in “The Little Black Boy” (Blake = Black) and whirled us between nouns and verbs when he wrote, “Damn braces, Bless relaxes.” In these six-line, stanzaic pieces, Joel Chace follows Blake’s example—not only his “tree” but his ”poetree”—and offers enigmatic phrases that tease us out of thought. For a moment we are freed from cause and effect, from everything that insists on logic, and allowed to enter a space in which everything happens at once. “Negative capability” flourishes in this world of beautiful whatevers—where “over the riven and through” is not a typo and “light snapped on off whole city’s ponderable spook” is a perfectly reasonable, complete thing to say. “The world is all that is the case,” Wittgenstein wrote memorably. But he also wrote, “Thought can be of what is not the case.” These poems offer a beautiful release from our everyday sorrows, joys and dispositions. Climb Blake’s tree and see exquisite explorations of “what is not the case.”

--Jack Foley

Blake’s Tree
By Joel Chace
36 pages
Blue & Yellow Dog Press

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just Out by Richard Kostelanetz: FICT/IONS and This Sentence

This just out from Blue & Yellow Dog Press: FICT/IONS and This Sentence.
Two volumes of poetry in one priceless book by Richard Kostelanetz.
It is priceless but if I had to put a number on it that number is $15.
Visit Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop or Better Homes Through Poems to purchase your copy.

Richard Kostelanetz is a name we hear over and over if we have ears on the internet. He has been published countless times in some of the best journals out there and he is still doing it. His language experiments have altered our perceptions as a culture by redefining our words, by examining the nature of poetry and language, which is always a form of poetry to him. These books add that something extra to his already respectable ouevre.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mynd Eraser

Mynd Eraser is an asemic kinetic work-in-progress blog novel from Michael Jacobson. The plan is to post the pages in batches every few days. Stop by and check it out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

on/in~versa le détroit

[( deStroit + sans titre) /2], sort of

tirages argentiques déchirés, papier calque, emballages plastiques variés, blanc d'oeuf, rétroviseur brisé, stylo bille, scanner-qui-déconne et HB sur carton de récup'

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Billy Cancel's The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil

In Billy Cancel's The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil something is going on. There is an edge along which the poet walks with purpose. The narrator states: "I fought a bear i liked/it//i rejoiced/with scissors." The poems are diminutive canvases on which color supplants meaning--"clay works heard dumb/shapes screeching." There is no loci or voice just the tattered remnants of a voice. Someone says "shutters i saw purple light hold/an empty fountain square" and "the northern hemisphere/was covered/in portrait."

The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil
By Billy Cancel

32 pages


Published September 7, 2010

Cover art by Billy Cancel

Published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press
2425 SW 3rd Ave #98
Ocala, FL 34471

Available at Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop

Sunday, August 22, 2010

John C. Goodman's naked beauty Now Available from Blue & Yellow Dog Press!

In naked beauty, John C. Goodman's oscillating, never still anti-tableau of shifting visions "horizons unfold/like paper birds." Constantly observant among glints of experience and language inserted into and evolving out of the italicized "I" of these poems, it seems the transient focus of naked beauty exists in flux (what the poet himself calls "stream of experience") even as life proceeds on a ravishing scale "looking under postage stamps." Anywhere word glitters against word, image against image, each apt metaphor more penultimate than the last, we experience the moment and move on, dazzled, exhilerated, perpetually standing at the threshold of a glad new existence. Goodman is surpassed by none when it comes to epiphanic indulgences. He succors the pathos of the "I" of the self accusatory, the joke of the self deprecating, as though life (much like these poems) was painted in swift impasto and never forgotten.

naked beauty by John C. Goodman is published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press. Also available at Blue & Yellow Dog Press Book Shop: Realities of Bifocal Translations by Felino A. Soriano, Rien Ici by Raymond Farr, DRUNKER/holding ember by Raymond Farr, and the first print issue of Blue & Yellow Dog Spring & Summer Issues 1 &2. Available soon: Matthew Johnstone’s Let’s be close Rope to mast, you Old light, Adam Fieled’s Equations, and Richard Kostelanetz’s chap book FICT IONS.

We are a small press but building on strong ms submissions from both young and experienced poets. For more information on how to submit, to purchase a book, or just check out what we like to publish in Blue Yellow Dog visit our web pages.

John C. Goodman lives in St John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.
His novel, Talking to Wendigo (Turnstone Press) was short-listed for an
Arthur Ellis Award. He is the editor of ditch, (, an
online poetry magazine.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Felino Soriano's "Realities of Bifocal Translations"

Felino A. Soriano's "Realities of Bifocal Translations" is dominated by jazz echoes, scatted as it were, and its idioms, as well as the personal and celebrated brushstrokes of 20th and 21st Century painting translated to poetry. Predominately one page takes, the poems, executed in a hybrid of modernist/postmodernist syntax, offer the reader a swirling look down & up at the all-important avant-garde heritage of us all. Simultaneously historic and contemporary, the poems in this volume do what good ekphrastic poetry (or music or painting) should do...dip its tongue in the honey and lay it back down, poised like the instrument all musicians/artists/poets share—experience and articulated reality.

About Blue & Yellow Dog Press:

There are only 5 volumes of poetry published so far in Raymond Farr’s Blue & Yellow Dog Press Book Shop (a spin-off of his on line poetry journal Blue & Yellow Dog)— four volumes by Raymond Farr, and Felino Soriano’s Realities of Bifocal Translations. The next book to appear in the B&YDog Book Shop Series, will be Adam Fieled’s latest prospect, Equations, due out sometime in August 2010. Any full length poetry ms is welcome. The editor promises a careful reading of each ms submitted. All ms should be submitted as Word docs, RTF, or PDF attachments to an email and sent to

Felino Soriano: Realities of Bifocal Translations
Paperback, 98 pgs,
$15 plus shipping

Sunday, March 14, 2010

extinct urban prey
the urban hunter followed
the ancient way

he created an image
to worship
his extinct prey

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chirot: L'art et la vie brute--raw life and art--adventures of me and my works in our travels



CHIROT: ART ET VIE BRUT--RAW LIFE AND ART --Adventures of My Works and I in Our Travels--

President Obama rebrands Bush's Invasion of Afghanistan--neglected by Bush for the "Wrong War" in Iraq-- as the "Right War"
The Right War--unites The Unholy Trinity--The War on Poverty, the War on Drugs and the War on Terror--all never ending, all impossible Wars--and al three of them joined in the flight from a child soldier guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan to a young kid junkie on the street corners in Milwaukee--
War--Poverty-Drugs-Terrorism (FEAR)--as the USA relentlessly annihilates one of the poorest people and places in the world--it is "building" a new world of super high octane heroin addicted kids living a life if not all of them "in" poverty,certainly "of poverty"--of existence--in a land where the Drums of War relentlessly beat the messages of Fear, Retribution and the Divine Mi$$ion of U$ America--

(Note: these sudden outbursts, detours down memory lane-- were triggered by a discussion on the Spidertangle list as to which places housed collections of Visual Poetry—so I was trying to envision sending my works to a collector or collection—in terms of what has happened to me and my works up until just the last couple years----and immediately these and other stories sprang to mind from out of the camouflaged hiding places of memory hidden in plain site/sight/cite—since they are off the cuff remarks, don’t mind the off beat unruly writing with al its broken rules of punctuation, capitalizations, grammar, etc--)

CHIROT: ART ET VIE BRUT--RAW LIFE AND ART --Adventures of My Works and I in Our Travels--

"God's Lonely Man"--from the Diaries of Travis Bickle--(played by Robert de Niro in Taxi Driver)
--which were based on the Diaries of Arthur Bremer, which were buried in a Lakefront Park in Milwaukee, where Bremer lived off and on while he first tracked, stalked and planned to assassinate President Nixon--and, finding him too closely guarded, switched his sights to the person of Governor George Wallace, also (1972) running for President--finally shooting Wallace, who was paralyzed the rest of his life,while Bremer was until two years ago in a prison outside of Milwaukee--

This discussion made me wonder where a lot of my works are! Over the years i usually sent one copy if i had one extra to my mother for safe keeping as i never knew where i might be for stretches of time. Speaking of stretches of time one summer when my oldest son was in prison I sent him tons of things, almost everyday, for entertainment purposes and in case he wanted "mementos of my father." He decorated his cell with the single pages and was soon a high demand for them so he got permission from me to make copies for the other inmates to start papering their walls with. Soon a whole row of cells was sprouting all sorts of daily madness from here. I wish there were some fotos! My son tried to take some but wasn't allowed, for the sake of the privacy of inmates or something like that--Kind of ironic in a way, when you think your mug shot can be had any time off the net! But then i remember at the probation/parole offices i went to, with its bullet proof windows at the sign in desk and metal detectors at the entrance to the POs' section--there was a sign saying: "Be considerate of others. Remove all headgear and hats on entry."
When i think of it--my PO had a good 18 months worth of my work in his office!
Fortunately for me, he had a sister who was an artist, so he promoted art as a good thing to do for "living the straight life."
The first time he was coming over for a home visit--i didn't yet know him very well-- i was worried what he might make of al the Mail Art/Visual Poetry show posters, my own works and such on the walls, let alone al the junk i use for "materials." There was also a huge life size blowup of the poster to the film Taxi Driver a friend made for me, with in large letters "I'm God's Lonely Man . . .” on it. It was too huge to take down so i tried shoving some junk in front of it. But to no avail. Travis (Robert de Niro) just wouldn't disappear!
When Officer X came in, though, the first thing he said was "Taxi Driver!!! My favorite film! And who did al this stuff--you? It's great!"
It just goes to show, never underestimate anyone's range of tastes!

--i have tons of such stories--one exhibition of my works was "commissioned" so to speak-- commandeered wd be more like it--by one of the honchos for the Safe Haven outfit, a big operation which used to own where i still live, though now a different owner—Safe Haven run a series of "recovery/transitional living" homes for al kinds of people in over a dozen places in Chicago, three in Indianapolis—and, as note, formerly here--

The Honcho bore an amazing resemblance to Duke Ellington, down to the large brimmed white hat, crisp white suit, and big tie--he was crazy about my ruBEings and spray paint pieces-and wanted to find ways to exhibit them.
There was a huge first annual Banquet in Chicago coming up, with over 500 people attending, a presentation via video from a Chicago Representative to Congress, a great jazz band and tons of food and dancing—and Duke Ellington very generously invited me to bring some works down and have them displayed during this August Event.
So--at the entrance on cork boards and laid out on those long tables used in kids school lunch rooms—were a whole bunch of works and little folding books i made for the occasion
the idea was “to look at what addicts can do when they get off dope!! Hoo--ray! Get yr mind together get yr mind off dope and on to art!! woo-woo-woo! That kind of thing—
(“This is a revolution of the mind—get yourself together—get off dope—this is a revolution of the mind” runs through my head remembering all this, from the great ending to James Brown’s fantastic, extremely eerie version of the song “King Heroin.”
Duke Ellington gave a short talk about me and that was it--on to the jazz and the main thing the huge Chicago style (they kept reminding us this was all "Chicago style"--to rub it in that Milwaukee is not remotely in the same class as the "Windbag"--er Windy City-) plates heaped with al kinds of heavy duty beef and chicken dishes--
actually, my work let myself and a friend in for free--so we got a free meal and heard some good jazz thanks to the "works straight from the streets"--as the Man called the pieces on display--
you never know what doors will open for you in this racket, eh! And “straight from the streets,” at that, too!--

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3,6 m

3,6 m
then the urban
shadow showed
showed the
urban shadow then