Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mynd Eraser

Mynd Eraser is an asemic kinetic work-in-progress blog novel from Michael Jacobson. The plan is to post the pages in batches every few days. Stop by and check it out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

on/in~versa le détroit

[( deStroit + sans titre) /2], sort of

tirages argentiques déchirés, papier calque, emballages plastiques variés, blanc d'oeuf, rétroviseur brisé, stylo bille, scanner-qui-déconne et HB sur carton de récup'

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Billy Cancel's The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil

In Billy Cancel's The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil something is going on. There is an edge along which the poet walks with purpose. The narrator states: "I fought a bear i liked/it//i rejoiced/with scissors." The poems are diminutive canvases on which color supplants meaning--"clay works heard dumb/shapes screeching." There is no loci or voice just the tattered remnants of a voice. Someone says "shutters i saw purple light hold/an empty fountain square" and "the northern hemisphere/was covered/in portrait."

The Autobiography of Shrewd Phil
By Billy Cancel

32 pages


Published September 7, 2010

Cover art by Billy Cancel

Published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press
2425 SW 3rd Ave #98
Ocala, FL 34471

Available at Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop