Sunday, December 25, 2011

REM, issue 2

REM Vol. 2, December 2011, is now online:

and available for purchase at Lulu:

Rosaire Appel, Carlyle Baker, Miriam Larsen-Barr, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, John M. Bennett, Michael Berton, John Bucklow, Valentina Cano, Stephanie Christie, Barnaby Dromgool, Raymond Farr, Carl James Grindley, Marco Giovenale, Mariangela Guatteri, Kristina Hard, Amelia Harris, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Kristina Jenson, Matt Margo, Joseph Musso, Vaughan Rapatahana, David Prescott-Steed, Massimo Sannelli, Fabio Sassi, Andrew Topel, Nico Vassilakis, Changming Yuan

Friday, December 23, 2011

Check out issue 7 of Blue & Yellow Dog

It is chock full of great poems, including work by:

Anton Frost, David Woodruff, harry k stammer, Michael O'Brien, Corey Mesler, Lee Marc Stein, Peter Ganick, Carl Grindley, Walter Ruhlmann, Cortney Bledsoe, Tyson Bley, Ben Nardolilli, Valentina Cano, Matthew B. Dexter, Larry O. Dean, Neil Ellman, Les Wicks, Randy Brooks, Michael Lee Johnson, Howie Good, Evan Carr, John Pursch, & John McKernan.

I am very happy and proud of the issue.

I am always reading, there is no "reading period".
Just submit yr work as a single Word doc or rtf or PDF email attachment and send it to me at

I will be glad to take a gander at it

For those of you interested in buying hard copies of back issues of B&YDog
Visit the Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop, I have discounted the prices

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful xmas season.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

ECSTATIC/,of facts by Raymond Farr Is Now Available at Otoliths Books

My latest book of poetry, ECSTATIC/.of facts, has just been published by Mark Young at Otoliths Books. I hope you will take time to review it. I think he has done a wonderful job with cover, printing, etc. Here is the link

In other news: I have a longish poem in REM No 2 which is out now and available for free on line. It may also be purchased as a print issue. The link is

& check out Cricket On Line Review:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This Isn't History, It's an Episode

My story is pretty simple—

Because I couldn’t finish a novel
My life begins

In a nation that does not exist yet

The icon & I weren’t personally close
Our family fled their orchards—

From medieval kabbalists
To 20th century refugees—

Our fury seems particularly apparent here

In a nation that does not exist yet

Where actors are hired to read scripts
& pretend
To be real people

My uncle told me—

This week’s parasha introduces a medium
For distinguishing truth
From falsehood—

That was my life

I was giving up
I was going back home

My uncle told me—

On the radio, things aren’t so simple

Leaving the icon to believe
One of two things—

A river was there
& it had two banks

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Fluxus Reader in pdf

The Fluxus Reader has been out of print for many years now.
Thanks to the Swinburne University the digital copy is now available for download

at :


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Try Submitting to 'Pider, A New Poetry/Art Mag


me and a friend are propping up an online journal under the title of 'Pider, and I am hoping you may be able to somehow spread that tid-bit of information around to those who would be interested. we are looking for puncher's fists, lost infantries of troops, hungry sleep.

one may send submissions of text, art, .mp3's... to:

what do ya think?


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Homage to Homage to the Imagination*

One night I sailed off

So long Wynken, Blynken, & Nod

So long zoppa

Farewell [ ........ ]

So long [ ............. ]

The waters of no more pain
Are found within this

Or so cried the stars to
French poet Charles Baudelaire

A dream poem
From breakfast on

In fact an improved version of

A Dutch picture
Which [ ......... ] read aloud

In fact a nod to Surrealism

The year 1869
The year 2007

& which zoppa quoted—

A delightful little
One night
Among my friends—

But don’t be fooled
This is a detail read aloud

It might be gloomy—

A lovely bedtime

A small sampling
Entitled simply

A good poem—

But oh how classically fun

To stop, pause, take a step
& salute the dream land

In this version
It walks parallel

Giving a nod
To Octavio Paz

* Source of text was a Google key word search of the phrase: “Nod poems.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

text || Peter Ganick

from 'as-though'

motorcades vanish. take shores ennoble withs asemic doubt.
those fulsome agreement incapable through stirrup edification.
merriment mercifully aspirin garden saltine avails renewal arms.
debate cincture avails medallion blotto clerical invisibility was.
is. and will be. toon scramble ascertain igloo givers stoke inertia.
collaborative emulation elsewise thorough surpassive wherever.
aver notices those smiling faces through surpassive intentions.
lesser those presume online logarithmic alveoli permute luster.
callow ascertainment elementally corporeal acme normative.
acting cellwise permanence impend augury stereophonic dilate.
cincture scenario evident cessation moribund scalene pirouettes.
aspirate columbine avowal motion sleight haptic eaves dented.
storage inroad publican mirroring each invective ampoule dais.
bot haptic evensong throng gestative on placent comparatively.
cactus fife around simple readership waving through and though.
which evanesce though repetition evidential cull northerly acme.
dutiful coefficient aisles delta immerse nothingness wavering so.
weep answer wobble centrism tornado button sere throughout.
cartouches debouche inroad respite amuck group contemplations.
nite each rhythmic aver social contrast window achilles detract.
noesis rebuttal commissariat volunteerism that than granule.
congregate en route koti each lectern veneer aluminum call.
neon pranams noetic albumen loci those funneling livery acai.
vale thorough surplus each exigete mimetic valencne through.
persuasion tartouffe candid proem caliper invincible tarry.
vellum clef toggle site evasion paramita evolutions elsewhere.
infractive where medallion lemma onomatopoeia delight urreal.
miter lavish classification wholesale notification wormhole.
sidebar infiltrate emotions leaping furthers widely summarize.
customary othering waiter slippery nil ironic liaison fulminate.
abrupt insight relapse cornea evensong terrazzo nuvena barge.
somatic byrd vacuum those perestroika apres skidoo noggin.
acme inordinately glimmerati prevalent coker little each letter.
nominus cincture avail neon problematic massive solutions near.
gated remote also tensor graffiti grog stillborn essence so.
inroad nib notebooks feint grippe vermin levity vocalizations.
collective acinate contingent velvet reread terrazzo notification.
yammering salted vocalize tic noema automatic reregulatory
call twilight nigh bothersome wisdom willow fallible grisaille so.
deplotted inquiries throttles deign arrow divot ensemble that.
snip relay holding stunt echo dalliance brokered incertitude.
divulge natural promontory eachness wiles of lexicons existence.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Of red and red ; and how to -Quick-!-shouted-Quick-..

(mineure paranoiacritic-meshod, after be and for for

in an in along the wheel


back to back the dancing or


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- Oh No! helped &,

release your o before we ff!

a Babel' fishure such a twine


after after a sweet along


a 1. a 3. a twinengine

- a who a my

gimme a me

a w

your whyse

- a charge of dis-

a y a fact


just then creating torted dots

sweet let's

sweet prets

a tendant suite

that hugs as are over the s


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My latest effort chainge is an ebook published by Chalk Editions
Visit the site.
There are many good books to be found there
& they're all free!
You can download, print, or just enjoy!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Issue 4 / Spring Blue & Yellow Dog Is Up!

The latest issue of Blue & Yellow Dog has surfaced close to shore.
Periscope up!

But that's not all...

The most curent print issue (which contains both issues 3 & 4)
will be available sometime in the next few days.

Just go to Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop at Blue & Yellow Dog web site.
There is a link on the page that takes you to all B&YDog books.

Hope you all are doing fine.

& as usual submissions welcome

Please submit as a single Word doc attachment to email
and send it to

In the meantime have a great springtime!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Equations by Adam Fieled

A recession has hit America at such an angle that everything has been called into question. The thoughtlessness of fin de siecle America has been replaced by mistrust, envy, and defensiveness. In this atmosphere, new imperatives emerge: to sort out wheat from chaff, gold from dross, truth from fiction. These imperatives are enacted in solitude, as the poet takes a scalpel to the body of his experiences. Adam Fieled's Equations is a vivid manifestation of a new, scrupulous American consciousness. It is the effort of a poet to elevate the carnal with intellect, and to create a memorable chiasmus between them. The frigidity of post-modern verse is replaced by a new romanticism, that is not romantic. That is the central endeavor here, and it is performed with panache.

Adam Fieled is a poet, musician, and critic based in Philadelphia. His books include Opera Bufa, When You Bit..., Chimes, Apparition Poems, The White Album, Beams, Posit, Early Poems 1998-2005, Disturb the Universe: The Collected Essays of Adam Fieled, and Returns. His work has appeared in Jacket, PennSound, Poetry Salzburg Review, Blue & Yellow Dog, Tears in the Fence, The Argotist, Great Works, Miporadio, And/Or, Blazevox, and in the &Now Awards Anthology from Lake Forest College Press. Some of his poems are in the process of being translated into Italian, and his poems have been taught widely. A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he also holds an MFA from New England College and an MA from Temple University, where he teaches.

By Adam Fieled


66 pages




Blue & Yellow Dog Press