Sunday, December 25, 2011

REM, issue 2

REM Vol. 2, December 2011, is now online:

and available for purchase at Lulu:

Rosaire Appel, Carlyle Baker, Miriam Larsen-Barr, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, John M. Bennett, Michael Berton, John Bucklow, Valentina Cano, Stephanie Christie, Barnaby Dromgool, Raymond Farr, Carl James Grindley, Marco Giovenale, Mariangela Guatteri, Kristina Hard, Amelia Harris, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Kristina Jenson, Matt Margo, Joseph Musso, Vaughan Rapatahana, David Prescott-Steed, Massimo Sannelli, Fabio Sassi, Andrew Topel, Nico Vassilakis, Changming Yuan

Friday, December 23, 2011

Check out issue 7 of Blue & Yellow Dog

It is chock full of great poems, including work by:

Anton Frost, David Woodruff, harry k stammer, Michael O'Brien, Corey Mesler, Lee Marc Stein, Peter Ganick, Carl Grindley, Walter Ruhlmann, Cortney Bledsoe, Tyson Bley, Ben Nardolilli, Valentina Cano, Matthew B. Dexter, Larry O. Dean, Neil Ellman, Les Wicks, Randy Brooks, Michael Lee Johnson, Howie Good, Evan Carr, John Pursch, & John McKernan.

I am very happy and proud of the issue.

I am always reading, there is no "reading period".
Just submit yr work as a single Word doc or rtf or PDF email attachment and send it to me at

I will be glad to take a gander at it

For those of you interested in buying hard copies of back issues of B&YDog
Visit the Blue & Yellow Dog Book Shop, I have discounted the prices

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful xmas season.