Monday, January 21, 2008


je suis le blog monster
Category: Writing and Poetry
I was completely devoted to her! yes!
it was true! as the driven snow.
sweat bodies I pictured her and I lovers.
busted breasted, brazen.

alas, she was unkind.
now there is another?
O I am mad as a gather, and I love her!

Body: I might delete anyone who has a boring picture of themselves in their profile.

how stupid to keep the same image of oneself again and again.
most people not so exciting or radiant . (oh, delete me!)

O my
poor soul
and eyes of tears!
19 Jan 2008 8:01

Body: deleted love
is not la machine moleculaire.
make space your space

O tears
O my wretched heart!

and she loved beefheart too!
O my beefheart is not beefy without her!
19 Jan 2008 8:01

not space of vanity
yes yes i totally understand. yes of course.

(yes. she what? no kidding! really! o my!
she said that about me!
and my verses! )

O she broke my little pittery-pattery irish canadian heart!
her and her hard friends! O I sigh

(I sigh)
I sigh
I made such lovely things for her!
Now I m woeful she loves others!

Was I so delighted to think she thought twice of a poverty ridden rascal such as I?


longing for her missed company!
Body: Ihahahah i was deleted by some idoit.
an idiot deleting me. (.....>>>>>>)

who am nothing but a shining brilliance of love and beauty. only an imbcile would so such a thing. so i deleted his friends. so i am an idiot too. we are all idiots.
deleting idiota.

..> ubject: i may delete
i change it . Please people make art, at least here. god.
help us .

<<<<I was completely devoted to her! yes! it was true!
as the driven snow. sweat bodies I pictured her and I lovers. busted breasted, brazen
alas, she was unkind.oh oh now there is another?

I can/t I can/t I am mad as a gather, and I love her! >>>>
I made such lovely things for her

Now I m woeful she loves others! <<<

Was I so delighted to think she thought twice of a poverty ridden rascal such as I?”

(hi, CKJ :):):) ) … ça va ??

1 comment:

  1. Cara mia Carmen ~
    Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
    ché la diritta via era smarrita
    In quella parte del libro de la mia memoria, dinanzi a la quale poco si potrebbe leggere, si trova una rubrica la quale dice: Incipit vita nova.
    Sotto la quale rubrica io trovo scritte le parole le quali è mio
    intendimento d'asemplare in questo libello; e se non tutte, almeno la
    loro sentenziaSì come dice lo Filosofo nel principio de la Prima Filosofia, tutti li
    uomini naturalmente desiderano di sapere. La ragione di che puote
    essere ed è che ciascuna cosa, da providenza di propria natura impinta,
    Savete giudicar vostra ragione,
    o om che pregio di saver portate
    per che, vitando aver con voi quistione
    com so rispondo a le parole ornate.
    Lo Dio d'Amor con su' arco mi trasse
    Perch'i' guardava un fior che m'abellia,
    Lo quale avea piantato Cortesia
    Nel giardin di Piacer; e que' vi trasse
    Amor sì vuole, e par-li
    Ch'i' 'n ogni guisa parli
    E ched i' faccia un detto,
    Che sia per tutto detto,
    Ch'i' l'ag[g]ia ben servito
    Cum neminem ante nos de vulgaris eloquentie doctrina quicquam inveniamus tractasse, atque talem scilicet eloquentiam penitus omnibus necessariam videamus, cum ad eam non tantum viri sed etiam
    Omnium hominum quos ad amorem veritatis natura superior impressit hoc maxime interesse videtur: ut, quemadmodum de labore antiquorum ditati sunt, ita et ipsi posteris prolaborent, quatenus ab eis posteritas habeat quo diteturReverendissimo in Christo patri dominorum suorum carissimo domino Nicholao miseratione celesti Ostiensi et Vallatrensi episcopo, Apostolice Sedis legato, necnon in Tuscia Romaniola et Marchia
    Vidimus in nigris albo patiente lituris
    Pyerio demulsa sinu modulamina nobis.
    Forte recensentes pastas de more capellas
    tunc ego sub quercu meus et Melibeus eramus.
    Manifestum sit omnibus vobis quod, existente me Mantue, questio quedam exorta est, que dilatrata multotiens ad apparentiam magis quam ad veritatem, indeterminata restabat. Unde cum in amore veritatis a pueritia mea continue sim nutritus, non sustinui questionem prefatam linquere indiscussam; sed placuit de ipsa verum ostendere, nec non argumenta facta contra dissolvere, tum veritatis amore ... amore
    amore a more .....
