Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Otoliths 9
This issue marks the beginning of Otoliths' third year, & once again contains a great variety of text & visual work. This issue is dedicated to Rochelle Ratner, who passed away on March 31st.
In this issue are Rochelle Ratner, harry k stammer, Adam Fieled, Bill Drennan, David-Baptiste Chirot, Joel Chace, Michael Farrell, Reed Altemus, Andrew Lundwall, Douglas Barbour & Sheila E. Murphy, William Doreski, Duane Locke, Stu Hatton, Joe Balaz, Jeff Harrison, Raymond Farr, Esa Mäkijärvi, Bobbi Lurie, Julian Jason Haladyn, Simon Perchik, Suzanne Grazyna, Eileen R. Tabios, Diana Magallón & Jeff Crouch, Jeff Crouch & Matina L. Stamatakis, Thomas Lowe Taylor, Glenn R. Frantz, Angela Genusa, Randy Thurman, Philip Byron Oakes, Mark Cunningham, Geof Huth, Andrew Topel & Jim Leftwich & John M. Bennett, John M. Bennett, John M. Bennett & Luigino Solamito & Sheila E. Murphy, John M. Bennett & Scott MacLeod, Scott MacLeod, Robert Gauldie, Adam Strauss, Marcia Arrieta, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, William Allegrezza, Ernesto Priego, Ed Schenk, Irving Weiss, Mary Kasimor, Christopher Major, Derek Owens, Paul Siegell, Daniel f Bradley, Daniel Morris, Steve Timm, Mary Ellen Derwis, Thomas Fink, Louise Landes Levi, Toni Simon, Martin Edmond & Kirsten Kaschock.
Otholith issue 9
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Various Suppositions & Thus Western Spangled Fry Cook
A dull knife ensconced in evidentiary panoplies
All but Rorschach revivifies angst-ridden lard detectives
Against victual unnatural Freud
Diddled by us post civil war
Great glaring shite-mongers revolt
& grand revoking—
Basilisks bashed by Irish & old navy & scurvy contagion
Vast & beautifully spew a fry cook
Open ellipsis spans westward partnered by dolomite extremities
American-flexed a lo-boy’s a solo
Pinocchio in pidgin wonder stands handcuffed
& deranged before tribunals of verse
His lies riven tout de suite
His lavish & cuckolded & tit-laden mistresses breakfast
Beside him in arch-cuckolding canopy beds
Champagne & boot soles & charters for instinctual appetizers
A commodity’s insight debauches his soles
In the throes of modality’s wenches
Her highnesses’ histrionic vivisections grown
Dominant in the king’s bedchamber-heart
And thus battled poems
Corporeal grief inane on the mane of golden-flecked oceans
&/or crosses
Anything manifestly bound to the page
Our common folk’s knell keening
In bizarre atmospherics till toady Darwin edits puns
Bluntly with a pen
x-ing out sadness & various suppositions
"Lonely Street" O'des----(for Angela)
"Speech Acts" Exhibition Postcard
Monday, April 21, 2008
tzara'marxmy man
he was an idiot cause he was a bigot spigot imagine not liking jews whatanijdiot. with his pincer clawconfucianism futurism & his vorticist muscle binding idealogues. In paris he never gotalong with none. he even took Joyce _ who is God, to t ask for Finnegans Wake. well too bad for Mister EPound and his canto bantos. his mandarin ding dang. Tzara on the other hand spoke in a discourse all could understand when speaking to a worker's rally in 1929 as plain as an y French so. it was for epater le bougie bores he did his dadatimtimtomdadababbles.
uNlike Pound Tzara was a COmmunist.
He read his Marx without being a Bigot.
he was a Poem.
of the Future .
the other guy,the americano poundy good as he wasas poetsnowit, was one of the past. fast . last
Sunday, April 20, 2008
taxi tzara
fer some
for some reason ezra pound didnt like jews. he was antisemite. big influence apparently on americano foettry. so says. booki he didnt like UnclTzara as he was Dadesque jew. like eric Satie. breton founder of surrealism so called a school of fish like cubist was antisemite as well. he took Uncle Tzara to attack as well. Such poor boors. attacking Uncle Daday herself. the great grape Lover.
Uncle Approximatif.
pooun d rant and rave against jews day and night in his facist long poem cantos.
so boring his ramble of economics baloneley malarkey
attackin ' this n that...
nothing pretty about Nazis
is there
Mister Pound
praising his Fat Cat MuscleLini
Mister beat up artists queers and others
Other Fascist fats
attackin goo d and holy
attacking jews for some reason
poor Uncle Tzara wasa Jew
he was in Resistance in WW2 fought bad Nazis while others
debarked to New York
in fat cat
God good g-d Uncle Tzara Our Father who are in Communist Heave ~N.
mama tzara
hahahaTzara is our mother
Our mama
one day you will see.
dont be a hero.
read poems.haTzara is our mother
Our mama
one day you will see.
dont be a hero.
read poems.haTzara is our mother
Our mama
one day you will see.
read poems.
he was vehaTzara is our mother
Our mama
one day you will see.
dont be a hero.
read poems.haTzara is our mother
Our mama
one day you will see.
dont be a hero.
read poems.
Our mama
dont be a hero.
I n Moinesti at writer's conference widow was lover. she bedded her bedizend flower. yes. she was hardly drive to her forested schizolanguagua Gomer to her cowcowclasp. She was a bellow. Bell clapper. She dont be a heroine. In her body. keep to sake. Over Moinesti an d Bucharest. She 's behind it all. Ride. Riding Riding...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Stylus Upon Space
Sure hand, one line deserving of another, time at a crawl, intention
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
relate ways
"to be"
once (footing)
depict'd them
pointing "ruined?"
delicate series
cans "and
a" get up
(to) visit
stair (s)
way merged
Monday, April 14, 2008
when I down your thray
becortal biolimb to flit gem clime
brief tones run down heppery
joint scares malingered chicory
dumpling stars and guardrails
pecky dumb sit junk lore
"as you were" my daffo
"as I am" you plink
and "as we are" come squipping
to the eek in chambers right of way
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Swim Ming Duct Aisle Weeps
ism void ’f
Linear OPS
Line Break—
ers’ solid Bo Peeps
Pops’re Wet ab—
Cracker cement
“Eek, eek!”
A sine wave
To a walk “r”
A simil—
ar ruler
Dept. in Seine
Onyx totem Fig. 8
Tiles S—
Beyond rang-
st while
For the voice
Or cat—
e gory I save
ant love—
In big
Und drang
’re I dentical
The argument is
A Kline
Flicker * asterisk
In tonality
A wander
Ego in spin
Vs Jack Spice-
r: “No mor Dublans”
Miles Davis:
Champs El-
Saturday, April 12, 2008
scansion's repartee (you may)
guest worthy
premises go fewing
dapplive intersect
and now vault over
premispective gorgeousnotes
because she b/lus/hes
a blue note graphic
middle parter
show them neighborly
you lout c'mere rouge
because now road is clobberly
and dorsal beer
fin dangle low point
ports the home front
here and thither sound
larks so spooned ignorance
to lay delayed upon
the scarch prompt livernois
be parsed when holden caul
is proud to be a scapule
for the margined damas
who foreclaustro on their
baybearers with the knife
and petty kind(ling)
to stay north of
Friday, April 11, 2008
Soccer-Bocce Beyond Incidental Tianamen Sq.
& out of yr Iowa cock ass ping pong—Veto Demo zoom-doom!
& out of yr string section’s anti-symphonic nymph of an asshole
The oven is Scheherazade’s only means of labor conveyance
Back—k—home on the range—l—m—nOZ Pea-wee kiwi pi
Shld cook 30 mins at 350° till Welsh rarebit druid muffin dweebs bunt pan
Bake till cinnamon-y Condoleezza Rice cakes fake folderol
Or creamy cheesy
The water’s big-goal-siege magum opus near Killian Pass screams
Black b_x missing “o” sings: “One is the loneliest # Yule ever due”
While tap tap tap te tap tap scurries to imagine itself
Music playing rock under violins of tundra
All over Rotterdam mice & Big Macs®’re plowed into graves
The plague isn’t evident
But I have sneezed ten times in five minutes
I want three to the 444th power down to block, alex
I don’t understand how you play yr game with a gun to yr head
4 heads on one stone mountain groove are tokens, chum
Their politics is fantasy—simple glass slippers charmed by a tale
Kinky black dweller bocce specialist first class presidentially
Has lost control of the remote
EBAY Klieg Lights Up Please!
I am the highest bidder has tooth decay written all over it
In Soccer-Bocce pedestrians always have the right of way
Have we learned nothing from Tiananmen Sq?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Not About Mathematics
On desk pad
System break down 29
Premeditated numbers at a glance
40 archetypal 30 madness of screams
Camellia safari blending π
w/OZ miracles in
Mite ½ plus or minus
oZ miracles in & out 30.03
A mirror
& next of
Say something un—
Expected to laugh
A closet seeks its own dimensions
Ice cream has a halo
Chercher midi & a thousand & one nites
The uptown ferry flows in quantum ly
Vanilla been flavor factors in oppossums’ past & strawberryman
Flavor spiels a pomade of gore
Spiels 60% eleven hundred geese
Not counting the dead ones at The Spoon Diner
I-75 is
Not about mathematics
No # of
Or nodes of specific measure
One requires a zero to formulate a dream, ice hockey pucks blacker
Than frostbitten extremities, frozen presences
A must for any
Lichen to dust
It comes itching under my right sleeve
& then again repeats at intervals
Are everything
Pulse to pulse
P—erize a crac ker
Queer I
Forward mak anic o—el wander thrown from a lorry
No ear
Is good ear
The other
Place holds
At the center
& just left
A third level
Of nuance beyond
72 glib98
Vinnie “The Volt” Voltaire sputters 6 Devil’s Millhopper @ decibels un Coeur De Guerre
The untold
Story remarkable fruit stand talking
8th St.
Summarizes equations
My tongs
Alone cook abalone good
As gold
39¢ post harvest
Per envelope
Per 9 brickle stack
Friday, April 4, 2008
paradise of north 4th creation does it matter how you died? | ||
passed beginning 2nd creation most flags waved ardor harbor? | ||
translucent birth 1st destruction diorama of life paradise of south? |
and his virtual toxicodermitis. necromancer markup epimeral
for future fissures
preconstruct pentapolitan monogamy (acheropite (acheropite (leucocratic phenakism. pfui
unrehearsing, poem#1) : sneckdrawing acetylacetone multiplicator
(acheropite phenakism diminishes : demichamfron
(acheropite minutiae behind toolbuilding bernoulli toolbuilding
pique pique pique pique /the anakinetometer drips: pique pic pic pic
my ponytail picks me bad
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
bailiwick (acheropite poem#3)
macabre cista, pinyon epimeral.
mistend, pique ponytail spongioblast.
undisproved bernoulli conglomerate leucocratic.
unrehearsing, spaeings
leukocytosis (acheropite poem#2)
toolbuilding grutching coonties toxicodermitis.
necromancer multiplicator, acetylacetone
demichamfron, archaising decoloration preconstruct
pentapolitan strategist. casket putzed
synagogical autocall windwayward
battology phenakism precisive
servomotor (acheropite poem#1)
markup minutiae, lithomancy reversi.
parazonium, monogamy sneckdrawing dehumidification.
hoariest biodegradability objet anakinetomer.
throdden, mycetomata
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
contraindicative critique
and rose to prose you pose
your way through dominoes
complain and I'll be riddaya
now and then and for the future
all of us can bend or not bend
and the ammo in the garden
will give rise (may it give rise)
to crabgrass hogwash pattycake
and sludge you give me variosities
your scorch far from my porch
means porridge hipstitches
away from deluge why don't you
endemic to the few whole gardens
romp beside astride the muse
and bowl a strike or some
such big circuit-breaking avenue
to wall oneself off from and brood
and say selfhood is just so full of snoot