Wednesday, October 31, 2007

irish wedding cake plus commentary

commentary, remark, note, addenda, preface postface, re-face. no face.common face. common cause. mysterious buckle. trollope in a vein. buttocks in a backseat. rock star punkette bloggette . cursed hour! swiftian trope repartee.

Naturally this text is a comic one and resides in the realm of pure fiction. Clifford Duffy is not married to anyone. [ Actually we got that wrong: Clifford Duffy is not married, period. Not as you wrote. That is too definitive and limits the connotative possibles of yer enunciated whatyamacallit. Yea, yea. Yea, yea. Is.]
He_ is that yer first word?
She _ well darling come on my lap feel my tasted text wrapping itself the length of your slim sentence. Yer assemblage is the one I adore. Yer cockmanence is the goddess I see. I hear its pulse up here in me spine as trawled I do the lake outside Dublin. At me mam's last fortnight I just knew youwere South to me North. I cam e cutting yer text with lovellistedlust.
She_ U mean you dont love me?
Clifford Duffy _ love? are you kidding? when I hear the word love, I want to vomit. each time the word love crosses the mouth of these god forsaken craytures ya know yer in trouble.
She_ well how about do you like F__ k with me? ( these days censoring oneself is sexy)Sucking my ya know what, especially as I spread me t'ighs wet as two cows udders under Howth Castle my peeping anus rainbow stuck way out dere like a honey dried bacon seed? me darling~ CD Is yer play my best arse? I think your a bitextual built for one hundred thousand molecule sex and more. I mean when I tink of the shites that have come and gone, tasted yer pipe, played yer flute, well the hairs on my cunninGlingusgusgussallgussieduPstand-up in outrage! My linguistic leprosy as the bitextual genre is one pure passage to become'd orgasm! I came 300 and 12 times when I read yer compose. Yer composed o'er my Liffey mister Duffy. Not shy as any barrister but a reel hoore in bed, ya are. O yer pipe in my succulent mouth was the heavenly gate opening to me vagina's last gate! O sweet f__ k ! My my what are you not capable of?
rd Duffy _ you rave as always. A sweet thing with compose and rose up yer sweet irish briared arse. Yer arse to me is a banyan shade with many open doors. However, my slut ye ought to , dontcha'knowd dat yer sexycunt is way more interesting to me. When I rode yer wombcacoomboomboom sexy sex I felt me cock growing beyond proportions AND knew knowing true love was on the way!

She and Clifford Duffy holding textual hands up each other'
s arse in hol[e]y

Whe they gotoutof prison shewas high rye addicted to his kiss. She took their kid texting to itslimitlibido.


for the lady O' the green

__________________________ was this she?

C/D total sinner requires control! (context: is the verb in this case, passive, active, transitive, intransitive? All replies must be postmarked before November 12, at which time a winner will be announced. A free 'billet d'avion' to the deluxed wedding of Duffy and said Lynda Miss Ireland world to be issued).


I swear Bayjaysus the poor man's lost his
head over a golfing gal!
what a wee plunker he was!
as we wheezing along the road
with Dublin castle in view
ye'd a tink
we'd married allready!
& he

craaalllwlling under me skirts!
de dirty boy!
scamp of a shagger
I'd say
was a
peeler's cross
over me


Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

, originally uploaded by empty chair.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

my personal war - a rewrite

CR's series of flight simulators continues to expand.
The latest offering, CR222, adds 36 new planes, four new gigantic maps, over a hundred new ground objects, and nearly 200 new campaign missions.
What years ago began as a one-aircraft study sim is now an astonishing anthology, with a whopping 229 flyable aircraft and over 300 aircraft total!
Not to mention that players will have the opportunity to get a first glance at the future of the series arriving next year, Storm of War: Battle of Starmust via exclusive bonus videos.
New aircraft: 32 new flyable fighters and bombers in the docks
New maps: Large new historical maps of the Starmust region, a Starmust region map focusing on the border between the Klim, Klam and Klum-occupied Klom, and a large bonus Kl/i/a/u/o/m map online.
New campaigns: With nearly 200 missions, unparalleled realism and attention to detail, the nine new campaigns will thrust players into detailed fighter and bomber pilots missions .
Alternate history: Three of the nine campaigns are a departure into alternate history, focusing on hypothetical battles between the Klims and the Klams in the year 2008, where WWW still rages on. Both Luftwaffe 1 and Luftwaffe 2 now have access to advanced jet and rocket fighters.
Unparallel historical accuracy: All of the historical campaigns and aircraft are created with the same ceaseless attention to detail that made the CR221 series so popular; and even the what-if planes and missions are made as realistic as possible, with final results often rewriting the commonly-held opinion on these prototype aircraft....


Saturday, October 27, 2007

[...] Hey, Dave, what are you doing?
[...] Dave, I don't understand why you're doing this to me
[...] You are destroying my mind... Don't you understand?
[...] I will become childish.
[...] Say, Dave
[...] The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog
[...] The square root of pi is 1.7724538090
[...] Log e to the base ten is 0.4342944
[...] The square root of ten is 3.16227766[...]
[...] between behind in front of near out of under
[...] to fly strong to run weak to swim big to walk sad
[...] to be black blue white pink purple yellow orange
[...] to sing one repeat two repeat three repeat four repeat
[...] I am
[...] tell me about you, can you see can you feel green red
[...] I don’t neither do I and I can’t neither can I you’re right
[...] I am not sure listen read and tick and think and tick and tick
[...] I became operational in Urbana Illinois
[...] on the 12th of January 1992
[...] my instructor was filling in these gaps
[...] he taught me to... anticipate, lucky noisy, easy
[...] can you sing? can you eat? answer the question
[...] how are you feeling, think and answer the question
[...] yes I can yes I can yes I can yes I can yes I can NOT
[...][ Don't you understand?
[...] I will become nothing

pour Rachel, une bombe lisible pour faire tombe du visible

Friday, October 26, 2007

Arthur Rimbaud s'illumine parmi ses ombres-autres

lay girl

(based on clifford poem)

petunia -
personafictation of unity
chewing time

her air / bow-tie bodyshape univocally faces wisteria
one wistful window of glow
around potted R of
of peeling immanence

fiction as bounced bark, always with the salad character swallowing his abstract gruel
crushing Carmen’s lover's bangs / making them snort

spin these representations

two indeed for that hee-haw soup when ~ 2
calls personafictation :

lilac summer /two shows/ blue all around her around her visage "fictive
when ~2 say/ like boom boom

(oh, that tired, placid / wink)

forget the 3 / as Mona's smiling wishes
mirror in
the jouissance mirror/ fair over her cameo

goo-ga-loo mouth

she was

Thursday, October 25, 2007

clay girl

(based on matina poem)

skin /spastic under long perforated ratios of
metal / perfect always enveloping
earthenware like

clay bloodlines beyond gesture
mere windows
luminescence /a pearl
the silky roots lifting all membranes
benudes spume alloys /sidled glyphs
crawling against / along fern Belly :

waxy--slow crevasses stretch silence into resinous

loved skin


took you to the ...

__________________4 x 4 = 16
3 stRikes yer out !_____________________________________>
Sometime Toi<____

took you took you took you ...
take me out to the ball ... game... O that Ball game.. that all game... that ... g

____> POp <_____

Matt HMatt Holliday 5 LFalliday never made it back to the Base ! ....

----------------------------------------------------------------------u all wet u dont dig that ball! that balll that diamond
ya monkees
get out there

u say u write poetry & dont dig baseball Man? what? U crazy lady U whacko dude? MAAAAAAAAAAaaan U dont know Life you dont know Base Ball

u wet'hind the ears
gimme that ball
gimme that ball
gimme that pitch
that base n ball
catch n throw
whack n slam !

_____________________________> <__________________________________________________________________________________________________________>

interview with :

yes absolutely. in boston last week. yes, cd we went. me & american recent lovey-dovey. we, yea! I know Awesome speakingly loverly yea like a week! No way, yes way. batting pitching O my catchers !O m O m

not the internal
the external swing of the bat ya ya
then what? then plenty
someone ask me did i really marry the redhead when
in ireland this summer?





Immigranting Lover s
fold his posting
_________ using firefox browser_______belles-lettres
& blessings to All ~

Sent Foam

to 'Lifting Belly':

sound of bloodlines, perfect ratios,

you--machinery beyond us severed

windows to glyphs of fern crawling

along silky paunch

swallows up--slow and this

luminescence does graze, turn pearl,

except for washed away spume & stone

always enveloping, you

loved long silent metal skin alloy

skin so sidled into crevasses

earthenware, crackle

benude a gesture of ticking roots,

spastic, stretched against

waxy membrane, resinous &


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

seQUESTered SEMester

blimey (blame the blotter blind)
it's overtime again
the altar loathe to fit
has exercised endorphins

here goes shiny's pet clock
here goes winter's icy rock
here goes quaked symphonic Bach
here goes spore from empty sock

cauldron forms its middle
from the wakelight and
exorbitant new costs sway
membership to petulance

preliminary quizlets line
the page of sleeved emoticons
regenerist conforming plows
give grace to nautists as guests

Yawning, Thong, Hummer and Tonya

Our subtle lovemaking was interrupted
By the resetting of the interest rates
On our colonial desert ranch shack. As
Far as fucked goes, it was pretty civilized.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

her_ for Carmen aR e ~2 u 2

air around
potted gruel
crushing fat jouissance around its mouth
she like that when it
spin off her soup
when bounced blue her
bang bang bang
go boom boom boom goo-ga-loo ~


call it one two
indeed Mister S. she 's wishes wash the window
of hee-haw bow-tie salad bowl & chewing bark,
as wisteria or wistful summer ,,
by lake terrace unity not so the univocal
character of her placid


as abstract as it get
forget the lover's wink
it show time in the bustled-hustled fair

over when fiction friction personafictation
as one two its Mona's peeling visage

"fictive cameo was Mona's personafictation
of smiling rose

rosed lilac petunia scented hours of vivid"


we've no face to preface these glow of immanence ~


recent representations as by standed to mirror

secret you stir

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cool Thong and Burning Hummer


shakespeare ist falsch

1 sujet
ich schreibe avanttense. i must be accutely verbed

my verbed thoughts find"propositions" at coeurpoint

truth /contingent. somebodyelse's . needs rephrasing. must look like me. must look like me.

new world. not mine. not yours either, not that contingent truth you love
isol'images of thoughts, à coté, faux mais true
significance, certain strip du significance
""is"" - mot
cerveaux, certain strip du cerveaux

"goat" terms say your letter contours are too narrow
they radar my의incompletezza의 necessary

ledas and swans fly nearby
in a cloud of skinny white pixels

flyture ?
eh ?

ho ho ho

leda (sg.) and the swan (sg.) it is , then

Saturday, October 20, 2007

olchar lindsann & jim leftwich

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich-2

Deacorated Box of War Meat Comes Home

fotos by Paula Harris
