Sunday, September 23, 2007

god is god ling ess

god is public as wish to heart it spells the waving rind of song not wishing the post policing of art. as wish to heart. breathes its best. not. bully to song its winding piloted stasis.
out with its have not wish resenting resenting hate
its half baked butter 's not kind to love's kingdom a people 's prayer not a sentimental fluid bearing gifts to the ignorant 'the' ignorant' our song's a pleasure fest valiant as the uplifted rock chord

not the pride of political piece


you've counted the molecules.
here the hair's breadth
molecule molecule monkey has hazards on her rain
bananna bread to her baboon
cutes as cuts to any saw dust lawyer
not Lanier and her elegant emergencies
but the subtle disparities of art's trouble
a palace held high


Doctor come again lover
here your hips closer clover
little one speak to her
doubled wended tricks

ring gong as bells gate
tarry the wool long enough over their eyes


you've been many goddess
yet knot this 'One'

shift your kiss this willow
eye to eye in harried dawn


was it dusk or busk?


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